Introducing: Signal Fire
Updated: Jul 28
After two years of little travel, the world is ready to visit new places. Newfoundland and Labrador is ready to welcome visitors and has launched a Come Home 2022 program for this year. Twillingate will be joining this celebration with its own Signal Fire Digital Arts Exhibition.
Twillingate has become a well-known attraction for digital creativity, and the Unscripted Twillingate Arts Festival is excited to take its annual digital arts exhibit to a whole new level. This “unscripted” exhibition will launch in early August. You are invited to join us in our quaint outport community to take part.
Outdoor Art Projection
Early in August, a curated 7-week outdoor display of digital art will be visible at night, with projections on prominent heritage buildings being planned. The launch will coincide with the famous Fish, Fun & Folk Festival and will continue until mid-September.
Indoor Exhibition in Orange Lodge
A curated indoor digital arts exhibition will accompany this unique outdoor exhibit for visitors to enjoy from the beginning of September until the Thanksgiving Day weekend in October. Twillingate’s historic Orange Lodge will be the backdrop for this exhibition of modern creativity, bringing together the old and the new in an enticing new way.
Old Meets New
Grow Twillingate’s Program Manager, Brad Greeley says: “We are pleased to bring local heritage and contemporary international art together in this unique space and share it with our visitors.” The exhibit is planned to include digital art from invited artists as well as curated work by local artists.
The Signal Fire Digital Arts Exhibition has been made possible with generous support from the Government of Newfoundland & Labrador.