Join Our Board
Grow Twillingate has a vacancy for two board members. The board is small but mighty. It is a committed and hard-working group that cares about Twillingate and is committed to contributing to the wellbeing and success of our community. As a group we work to share the arts, culture and heritage of Twillingate and area through innovative ways with our visitors, residents and those who are interested in our community. If this resonates with you, consider joining our board.
The board meets on average once a month for 2 hours, and once a year for strategic planning.
Certain committees may meet more often, for example the Unscripted Festival committee that meets once a week once the festival office is open and festival planning starts in the summer.
Meetings could be in-person or online.
The board consists of between 5 and 7 members. Right now, the board has a vacancy for two new directors.
If you are interested in joining the board, send a letter expressing your interest and tell us a bit more about yourself. Email it to by 31 January 2024.